Friday, April 25, 2008

In a spin

Here is my biggest "real" spinning project to date:
12 ozs "smoke" roving from High Prairie Fibers (80% Suffolk, 20% Mohair) + about 30 hours' work = 1379 yards of
2-ply yarn :)

Thursday, April 24, 2008

New babies

There were four kittens born in the barn at the farm recently, and we are looking after a couple of them at home for a while. It's quite a job, being a kitty mom, they have to be bottle-fed and cleaned etc, but they're so cute!

On-camera flash for these pics (sorry, Strobist!)

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


The ultimate "off-camera flash"? Shot out the front window. 30 sec exposure. Unfortunately, most of the lightning was high above the clouds, so I didn't get to see very much of it.

Monday, April 21, 2008

PLH Product shots

Hair Vinegar. This one I did before I got my D200 - I used a little Fuji Finepix F10. It was always intended as a "draft" picture. The "real" one will have glass bottles with the new labels. Post production was done in Corel Paint Shop Pro X2 - I can't afford Photoshop.

Lip Balms. One of the new label shots. They're not all quite so artsy, but I like to play.
Both of these were done with my old hot lights. I'm looking forward to getting strobes up and running properly.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Adel Garage Fire

10:00pm We saw this fire at a garage attached to an apartment complex just down the road from where we live. The pictures aren't great, I'm afraid - handheld at long shutter speeds. Wish I had a faster lens!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Cool squash

Displaying one of Maggie's hand-knit hats for her Etsy store.
(I've done most of the pics there) I used hot lights for this one. 1/20 @ f/5.6

Friday, April 11, 2008

Inside The Barn

Nikon D200, Nikkor 18-200VR @ 70mm, ISO 1600, 1/40 sec, f/5. Sepia toned in Corel Paint Shop Pro X2

Hi, and welcome to my first Blog post! I intend to use this space to post pictures I've taken as I work my way through learning my new (secondhand) Nikon D200 and lighting techniques (a la Strobist).

I would really welcome any criticisms or comments that would help me make better pictures.